Thursday, December 17, 2009


Am I really sitting in LAX right now?

Did I really just watch Tim walk away to catch his flight to Tampa?

Is our trip in NZ, as it was, really over?

Why the hell does it feel like just yesterday we were here going the other way?

I am full of mixed emotions right now. Honestly I really don't know what to write. It's taken me 10 minutes now just to get this far. I keep writing and then erasing, writing and then erasing. I am sad to not be sitting in the country that has been my home for the past year and I'm sad that the time slipped by so fast.

If nothing else I take solace in the fact that my life has changed and the thing that I long for the most has come and will continue to come. I owe everything to the beautiful people I've met along the way who have all shown me something amazing, each in their own way. I can truly say I would be nothing without those that have been a part of my life's adventure. In all humbleness, thank you.

Tim and I had one hell of an adventure and there's still so much to write about. Once I grasp the end of this trip and get some space (mentally and physically) I'll try to elaborate. Check back soon.

1 comment:

  1. I can imagine the mixed feelings after you have spend so much time somewhere...I still feel weird when I am back at home,and when I am here, I kind of miss home...but now this is home, too...anyway, I am happy you got back safe, your stories kind of scared me, lol
